Slacklining with Young People

Has anyone tried slackining? I really wanna give it a go.

Saw this great post about a young person with ADHD who was told he had ‘difficulty concentrating’. But when faced with a task that required a massive amount of concentration, he steps up to the challenge and completes walking the line 60 times faster than the average person! Read the full post here.
The challenge to me and many youth workers is how often to do I engage the whole body in my work? Do I rely only on engaging the mind and who is missing out because of this?

The Millennials

Ooh I do love a good infographic. This one shows the youth of today, the millennials (or is it Generation Y?).

Although this data is from America I believe what ever is happen with the youth there will soon come across the pond. Things as youth workers we should be aware of:

1. Use of technology –  75% on a social networking site and 20% having posted a video. This is a generation who socialise, create content and believe in the use of technology in all spheres of life. How as youth workers are we using technology beyond having a Facebook page or showing YouTube clips?

2. Without a religion – 25% are without a religion. Are we as youth workers telling the same gospel story that we heard? How are we retelling the story of the gospel to this generation of fresh ears, does the emphasis need to change?

3. Unemployment – With youth employment at an all time high in th UK. How are youth workers preparing a generation for potential unemployment?

HT to Youth Minstry Media

Created by: Online Graduate Programs